Gifted Intelligence

It is well known among researchers that there is an unusually high occurrence of disorders such as mood disorders (anxiety and depression), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), autoimmune disease, asthma, environmental and food allergies among gifted individuals. 

Gifted Intelligence explores the psycho-neuro-immuno-sensory-motor forces that predispose us to mood, sensory, learning, behavioral and autoimmune disorders. In this book you will learn why all of these so called diseases and disorders can and should be treated as learning opportunities. You will be introduced to 5 types of intelligence (or micro-personalities) that you may not yet have discovered about your self.

Improved knowledge and awareness of our gifted personality type will reveal the map that we carry on our journey from dis-ease to self development. Knowing the brain maps and having the right tools to improve functional connectivity in our brain and body will be explored through a process of psycho-neuro-sensory-immuno-behavioral awareness and integration. 

Includes The Gifted Brain, Mood and Personality Questionnaire

Anyone dealing with immune, learning, sensory, mood and/or behavioral disorders may have multiple sensitivities that result from highly sensitized brain circuits. 

The Gifted Brain, Mood and Personality Questionnaire assesses brain health, hypersensitive brain circuits, neurotransmitter needs and primitive reflexes.