Emo-Sensory Therapy is a Meditative 3D experience designed to access the relaxation, reward and social grooming responses.

Welcome! My name is Anne Angelone. In this project, I offer a novel way to improve sensory integration and emotional and self-regulation skills using 3D sound therapy. While anyone can benefit from Emo-Sensory Therapy, this project was created to serve people struggling with chronic stress, PTSD, immune, affective, sensory-processing, neurodegenerative, learning, and behavioral disorders. 

All of these disorders are marked by heightened sensory and emotional reactivity along with poor self-regulation skills. They tend to worsen with stress and inflammation and need daily interventions to improve plasticity and functionality. Neuroscience tells us that we can change the brain with consistent effort. This is called neuroplasticity. 

One intervention that offers relief is to intentionally add precise sensory and emotional inputs that support the basic neurobiological needs of the brain, namely, relaxation, safety, satisfaction-reward, acceptance, and belonging. To support this effect in the right hemisphere, I have created audios with "fun triggers" to create the conditions for you to feel good, relaxed, and easily process pleasant sensory experiences.

To support the left hemisphere (the orderly, intention-making brain), I use meditation bowls to create a steady binaural backdrop for each 3D soundscape. Binaural beats are well known for brain wave entrainment and hemispheric balance. The goal is to improve the timing and ability of the left brain to make sense of what is being encountered via the right brain. This includes a clear reading of sensory and emotional inputs that contribute to hemispheric balance.

We also now know that for positive neuroplastic changes to occur, we need to stay with good feelings and sensations for at least 10-30 seconds for new neural pathways to be laid down. The steady beat guides and prolongs a neuroplastic experience of good sensations and emotions. When we build on the good, we feel better and function better, which leads to a more balanced experience of our lives. I am calling this style of music neurobiological music and hope that this novel approach helps those easily overwhelmed by cognitive-emotional, sensory-motor stressors.

Instead of overwhelm, you intentionally turn the page and add positive sensory and emotional inputs for brain balance. This is an intentional practice of changing the brain's neural landscape to help you feel better more of the time. While enjoying the benefits of relaxation, you simultaneously allow the brain to integrate pleasant sensory experiences that meet neurobiological needs for safety, satisfaction, and belonging. Once you sign up, you will start to receive three new mp3's/week for the next ten weeks. 


Once you sign up, you will start to receive three new mp3's per week for the next ten weeks. I welcome feedback from all customers about how they work for you and special requests for future soundscapes. 

Every week for the next ten weeks you will receive three novel Emo-Sensory mp3's delivered directly to your inbox.

The intention of this project is to offer the experience of calm, safety, pleasure, reward, satisfaction, motivation, a sense of belonging, and personal attention via 3D soundscapes. Immersing yourself in positive sensory experiences, like favorite activities, foods, sounds, thoughts and memories, can release oxytocin into the body. Just the simple act of reminiscing and recalling memories of when you felt cared for are all good ways to do this. Oxytocin is hypothesized to promote prosocial behaviors due to the positive emotional response you experience when it is released.

The goal is to experience sound on a tactile level, where you are immersed in a 3D soundscape that is deeply therapeutic. After listening to all of the mp3’s, you can choose the selections that are most therapeutic for you in connection to motivation, relaxation, acceptance, belonging, safety, satisfaction, anxiety /depression, sensory overload and autoimmune flares.  

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Laundry Sounds, Birds, Meditation Bowl

The sound of clothes whirring around in the washer/dryer, is a very relaxing and soothing trigger for many people. Add to that the steady beat of a meditation bowl in the background for a balanced therapeutic effect. This is a 7-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Coffee, Newspaper, Thunderstorm, Keyboard, Meditation Bowl

This 3D soundscape is a simulation of the common morning ritual of coffee, reading the paper and getting on the computer. Add to that the sounds of a heavy thunderstorm and the consistent sound of a meditation bell and you'll be relaxed and relieved immediately. This is an 8-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Painting Sounds, Ocean, Rain, Birds, Meditation Bowl

Art therapy is effective for self-expression, emotional release and developing visual and auditory ability. Visualize yourself painting as you hear the brush strokes with a steady meditation bowl to guide the experience. This is a 9-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Train Sounds, Harmonica, Meditation Bowl

Train sounds can be a very soothing trigger for many people. This audio contains an assortment of train sounds, harmonica sounds and the steady beat of a meditation bowl in the background. This is a 7-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Wind Sounds, Meditation Bowl

The sound of wind can be a very soothing, cooling and relaxing trigger for many people. Add to that the steady beat of a meditation bowl for an overall experience of safety and relaxation. This is a 3-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Spelunking, Ocean, Cavern Sounds, Meditation Bowl

This audio mp3 captures the soothing trigger sounds of being in a water cave with the ocean gently sloshing beside you. Add to that the steady sound of a meditation bowl for a relaxing and satisfying experience. This is a 7-minute meditation.  

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Row Boat, Horses, Ocean, Meditation Bowl

Relax and enjoy this mixed-triggers audio of horses trotting, row boats, rain and ocean sounds to the steady background of a meditation bowl. This is a 14-minute meditation.

Good Triggers

The subjective experience of these recordings is an increased awareness of self. You may also experience pleasant body sensations similar to light therapeutic touch, which is simulated by sounds that are “felt” via the sensory nervous system, e.g., meditation bowls, rain drops, water and massage sounds. This may prove very therapeutic for those with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) or any sensory processing issues, as specialized CT (C-Tactile) sensory nerve fibers get stimulated by the sounds and send a signal to the emotional brain communicating a sense of self and safety. 

The idea is to let the sounds trigger you in a good way that helps your body relax via a pure 3D auditory experience. This initiates the relaxation, reward and social grooming responses to take you out of stress, dissatisfaction and alienation modes.  

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Skiing and Meditation Bowl

Imagine yourself getting on a chairlift, then skiing down a mountain guided by the sounds of a steady meditation bowl. This 3D meditative experience may also enhance kinesthetic abilities via imagination. The proprioceptive and vestibular adjustments made as you imagine yourself skiing stimulate the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. This is a 7 minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Row Boat, Rain, Birds, Meditation Bowl

Rowing a boat is both a relaxing and satisfying experience. Listen and imagine yourself paddling around and exploring nature with the steady sound of a meditation bowl in the background. The proprioceptive and vestibular adjustments made as you imagine rowing stimulate the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. This is a 16-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Hiking Sounds, Forest Stream, Birds, Meditation Bowl

Hiking near a forest stream is a very relaxing and also stimulating experience. The proprioceptive and vestibular adjustments made as you imagine yourself hiking stimulate the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. Added to that is the steady sound of a meditation bowl for hemispheric balance. This is a 12-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Galloping and Trotting Horse Sounds, Meditation Bowl

Also known as hippotherapy, riding horses is used to improve kinesthetic skills. Listen to the horses galloping and imagine riding accompanied by the backdrop of a steady meditation bell. This audio 3D experience may enhance kinesthetic abilities via imagination. This is a 5-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Dance Music Sounds, Meditation Bowl

Music and dance are popular therapies to enhance auditory and cognitive abilities as well as to increase the use of verbal and body language. Music and dance sessions can also develop communication skills and allow communicaton to happen more easily with other people. This is a 6-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Swimming Sounds, Meditation Bowl

Swimming is an amazing way to stimulate your brain and body. This 3D audio includes the sounds of swimming in an aquatic center with the steady beat of a meditation bowl in the background. The proprioceptive and vestibular adjustments made as you imagine yourself swimming stimulates all areas of the brain especially the cerebellum, the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. This is a 3-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Scuba, Whales, Dolphins, Meditation Bowl

Dolphin and Whale sounds are known to positively affect human communication abilities and social development. The proprioceptive and vestibular adjustments made as you imagine going Scuba diving (while listening to majestic creatures) stimulate all areas of the brain, especially the cerebellum, the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. This is a 3-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Running Sounds, River, Birds, Meditation Bowl

The rhythmic sound of running is a calming trigger for some people. The proprioceptive and vestibular adjustments made as you imagine yourself running by a river stimulate all areas of the brain especially the cerebellum, the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. This is a 7-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Basketball Sounds, Meditation Bowl

Imagining playing basketball can be a great way to stimulate all areas of the brain, including the cerebellum, the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. This is a 3-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Drumming, Meditation Bowl

Drumming is a fun trigger that makes us feel good and motivated. Brain wave activation of alpha and beta patterns are intended to improve function in cognitive activities such as focusing and decision making. This is a 5-minute meditation.

Hemispheric Balance  

Emo-sensory therapy is a great way to create hemispheric balance while activating the relaxation, reward and social grooming responses

 Emo-Sensory Therapy may be similar to meditation, where the negative default mode of the brain is deactivated while you are experiencing a pleasurable 3D auditory and imaginative experience. Said differently, its therapeutic potency may be similar to that of meditation at the level of the body – the seat of emotions and other sensory experiences. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Popcorn, Campfire, Meditation Bowl

The popping sound of popcorn on a campfire offers another great ensemble of relaxing and rewarding triggers. Add to that the steady beat of a meditation bowl for an overall experience of satisfaction, safety and reward. This is a 7-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Eating Chocolate, Stream, Meditation Bowl

Eating chocolate is so pleasurable that it can cause a huge release of oxytocin. This 3D audio experience plays sounds of eating chocolate by a stream with the steady background of a meditation bowl. This is a 7-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Frying Bacon, Eggs, Coffee Sounds, Meditation Bowl

The sounds of frying bacon and eggs along with coffee, represents the shared experience of eating breakfast. Add to that the steady beat of the meditation bowl for an overall experience of satisfaction and reward. This is a 3-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Toy Sounds, Stream, Meditation Bowl

Listening to fun toy sounds stimulates the pleasure response. Add to that the relaxing sounds of a forest stream and meditation bowl for an experience of satisfaction, safety and reward. This is a 6 minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Ice Sounds, Effervescence, Meditation Bowl

A popular trigger for many, the sound of effervescence and ice cubes stimulates the satisfaction-reward response. Add to that the steady sound of a meditation bowl for a 6-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Arcade Sounds, Meditation Bowl

This fun mp3 captures the common experience of being in an arcade. Added to that is the steady beat of a meditation bowl to integrate the experience. This is a 3-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Baseball Game Sounds, Meditation Bowl

So many people love baseball and have great memories of being "at the game." To instill a sense of satisfaction and belonging, this audio captures many of the sounds you would hear live at the ball park. This is a 3-minute meditation. 


Imagining yourself or someone else doing the activities in the audios is intended to induce the relaxation, pleasure and social grooming responses. Everyone has heard of the relaxation and pleasure-reward responses but we may be less familiar with the social grooming response. The social grooming response satisfies our sense of belonging and being cared for. It also induces the release of oxytocin which makes us feel safe and connected to others.

Listening to the ambient 3D sounds captured in these binaural recordings also precipitates pleasurable sensations and the subjective experience of calm and equanimity similar to a meditative experience. The binaural sounds are also used to simulate the acoustics of a three-dimensional environment which gives the experience of being in close proximity to the scene. These recordings are designed to be heard through headphones for the best results.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Massage, Sauna, Meditation Bowl.  

Massage increases the blood levels of oxytocin, as well as increasing immunity, reducing depression and increasing overall feelings of well being. Studies have shown massage significantly increases your oxytocin levels. In fact any form of “touch” is enough to get the hormone flowing. This is a 7-minute meditation.

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Cat Purring, Rain, Meditation Bowl

Research shows that pet owners experience a burst of oxytocin after just five minutes of playing with and stroking their pet. Intended to improve feelings of comfort, connection and belonging, this calming audio includes the sound of a cat purring on a rainy day with the steady beat of a meditation bowl in the background. This is a 7-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Hot Tub, Sauna and Meditation Bowl

Relax and enjoy a 3D hot tub and sauna experience. Add to that the steady drone of a meditation bowl to trigger the relaxation and reward responses. This is a 6-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Haircut Clippers, Buzzer, Meditation Bowl

Everyone has heard of the relaxation and pleasure responses but we may be less familiar with the social grooming response. Social grooming is a form of innocuous sensory activation. The social grooming response satisfies our sense of belonging and being cared for. Further, social grooming also releases beta-endorphins which results in a sense of well-being and stress reduction. In this 3D audio you get to experience the relaxing sounds of getting a haircut and being cared for. This is a 7-minute meditation. 

Emo-Sensory Therapy: Long Shower, Hot Tub, Sauna and Meditation Bowl

Relax and enjoy a long shower plus a 3D hot tub and sauna experience. Add to that the steady beat of a meditation bowl to trigger the relaxation and reward responses. This is a 30-minute meditation. 

Get all 30 Emo-Sensory Mp3's

The intention and goal of this project is to help:

  • Access the relaxation, reward and social grooming responses
  • Calm your brain, mind and body
  • Experience benefits similar to meditation 
  • Enhance cognitive, social and emotional skills
  • Increase hemispheric balance
  • Enhance proprioceptive skills
  • Feel really good

Listen to sample sounds

If you're ready to explore Emo-Sensory therapy, click below to get started. Once you sign up, you will receive three novel soundscape mp3's/week for ten weeks delivered directly to your inbox. Please contact me with any special trigger requests for future soundscapes. 

 Suggested Donation $50