Anne Angelone, MSTCM, DACM, L.Ac. is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine dedicated to healing with real food, acupuncture, meditation, music, and herbal medicine. Anne complements her practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Functional Medicine to effectively serve patients suffering from chronic immune and inflammatory conditions.  

Background & Training

Anne first became interested in Chinese Medicine and received her first acupuncture treatments while in Taiwan studying Mandarin. She later decided to pursue a degree in Chinese Medicine, which led her to study Functional Medicine and nutrigenomics. Anne received her master’s and doctoral degrees in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. Anne’s study of Functional Medicine includes advanced training with Dr. Datis Kharrazian and Dr. Stephen Noseworthy. Functional Medicine utilizes the latest laboratory testing to uncover the underlying cause of disease. Nutrigenomics is the science of how food “speaks” to our genes. Interestingly, many of the concepts in Functional Medicine were presaged by and derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Both consider the underlying causes of disease expression and work to restore greater health and vitality.

In addition to her private practice, Anne served for 7 years as an acupuncture college supervisor and electroacupuncture instructor. She also served 7 years as an acupuncturist and herbalist at The Immune Enhancement Project, a clinic dedicated to helping patients recover from chronic dis-ease. The remarkable results of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and diet for immune dysfunction led Anne to author many books related to health and wellness, including Functional Scalp Acupuncture and Functional Herbal Medicine and Phytonutrition.

Philosophy & Approach

Anne will work closely with you to uncover your symptoms’ root causes and overcome your condition. Depending on your symptoms, Anne may also recommend advanced laboratory tests for GI imbalances, hypothyroid, autoimmune thyroid, anemia, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, hidden infections, methylation defects, adrenal and blood sugar imbalances, etc. Along with testing for underlying causes, the missing links to health are restored with acupuncture, nutrient-dense foods, and herbal medicine. This powerful combination of modalities contributes to a marked reduction in chronic symptoms.


Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine, The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Bachelor of Science in Human Development, Cornell University


To work with Anne directly, please click here to review services.

