AIPAutoimmune PaleoTest Clear Heal Program

Treating Chronic Disease with the Autoimmune Paleo Template

The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
Everyone who is following the Paleo movement knows that the Autoimmune Protocol (the AIP) is a more refined form of the basic Paleo Diet. The terms autoimmune paleo, the autoimmune protocol. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, The Paleo AIP, and The AIP have come to refer to a food plan geared toward improving immune function via decreasing triggers, strengthening digestion, and improving overall health.

There is abundant research available today noting the benefit of adopting a nutrient-­‐dense ancestral diet as a template for preventing all types of chronic disease. Paleo scientists, Functional Medicine practitioners, anthropologists, MD internists, psychiatrists, biochemistry professors, patients, gym owners, bloggers recounting their own Paleo experiences, and others have been taking the same basic message about Paleo into the mainstream. That message is to eat only what your ancestral genes can recognize, and thrive on nutrient-­‐dense protein, good fats, and plants, while simultaneously avoiding the environmental inputs of disease expression (including sugar, grain, dairy and hydrogenated veggie oils). In the world of epigenetics, which explores how our genes respond to environmental inputs, the new science of nutrigenomics is echoing the exact same message.

The overall goal of the AIP is to increase anti-inflammatory superfoods to heal the integrity of the gut lining while simultaneously eliminating foods that create low grade immune/inflammatory responses, irritate the gut lining, and feed harmful bacteria (which lead to SIBO and dysbiosis). By eliminating the underlying mechanisms that drive inflammation and autoimmunity, you can modulate and bring balance to your overactive immune system. Once you understand this critical information about the underlying causes of autoimmune and all chronic disease you can start following an anti-­inflammatory dietary template. This dietary plan focuses on increasing nutrient density from plants and animals while avoiding harmful triggers, such as eggs, grains, alcohol, nightshades, seeds, nuts, seed-­and nightshade-­based spices, seed-­based oils, immune stimulating herbs, legumes, and dairy. All of these foods have been shown to be the worst triggers of leaky gut.

Since the Paleo autoimmune template encourages nutrient-­dense organic greens, organ meats, and pastured meats, it’s a great starting point for adding more of these methylation factors into your diet. Some patients may also need to consider supplementing the basic Paleo diet with other important methylation factors. By finding the right combination of anti-­inflammatory foods and supplements that help combat inflammation, you may be able to safely and effectively quiet down and perhaps even put your disease into remission.

To learn more about how to apply the AIP and Functional medicine, check out my class, Test, Clear, Heal.

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