
Treating Anxiety and IBS

The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol for 30 days along with Functional Medicine strategies to treat the root causes, is fast becoming the go to elimination diet for all chronic disease. The reason is the same across the board i.e. remove inflammation and heal the gut!

Review of The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook

If food is medicine, then the meals that you create from this cookbook will serve as a steady healing elixir to turn your health around quickly. Whether you have an autoimmune disease, want to try an allergen free, anti-inflammatory diet, love food,…

How to be a gluten-free​ genius

For anyone still eating grains, including gluten, you may have considered ditching the wheat. What we know is that eliminating gluten is critical for those who have celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and autoimmune disease as well as many other conditions of chronic…

The functional medicine approach to high blood pressure

  The most commonly diagnosed medical condition in the United States is high blood pressure, or hypertension, and blood pressure medications are among the top 10 most commonly prescribed drugs. However, these medications can cause undesirable side effects. It’s better…

Got Cold Hands and Feet? Think Brain

Although they’re located at the farthest distance from your brain, the health of your feet can give you clues about the health of your brain, mainly whether your brain is receiving enough oxygen. When circulation to the feet is poor,…

Review of The Paleo Approach, by Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D.

Bravissima!! The Paleo Approach by Sarah Ballantyne is filled with tons of health empowering, myth-busting, smart as heck science along with engaging illustrations that deliver the most current research for both patients and practitioners to reverse autoimmune disease and heal! After…

Why some people need to avoid nightshades

If you’re considering a strict autoimmune protocol, you may have noticed nightshades are on the list of foods to avoid. Many familiar and much-loved vegetables belong to the nightshade family, including eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet and hot peppers, and chili-based…

How to prevent chemical sensitivities, or TILT

Have you noticed signs banning the wearing of perfumes or heavy fragrance in some places? Or perhaps you yourself experience unpleasant or even debilitating symptoms when exposed to perfumes, scented products, gasoline fumes, car exhaust, or other chemical odors. A…

Medications that cause leaky gut

Although diet obviously plays a role in leaky gut, so do other factors, such as high blood sugar, chronic stress, and hormonal imbalances. However, it’s important not to overlook the impact of seemingly innocuous over-the-counter (OTC) medications, as well as…