
Blood Sugar and Sleep

Do you consistently wake up around 3 a.m. and can’t fall back asleep? Although the reasons for sleep problems can be complex, waking up too early is often a symptom of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, and can be remedied…

The Healing Power of Kale

The Healing Power of Kale The healing power of green smoothies cannot be denied, especially when they contain Kale. Check out this simple guide to making a green smoothie that will energize your day. Ingredients 8 cups of filtered water 1/2…

Do You Need to Heal Your Leaky Psyche?

Healing at the level of the psyche is not something I have seen much writing about in relation to autoimmune disease. I’m so excited to announce that my new book If The Buddha Had an Autoimmune Disease is now available…

Traditional Chinese Medicine

You may have noticed that acupuncture has enjoyed an enormous surge of interest lately, as the media is really catching onto the widespread benefit that this treatment option is offering to so many people. Just what are some of these…

CBD for Neurodegenerative, Metabolic and Autoimmune Disease

As research into medical cannabis continues, we are also learning more about the health benefits brought on by the best combination of non-psychoactive botanical compounds like CBD, foods, and lifestyle activities (e.g., acupuncture, exercise, and aromatherapy) that interact with the…

Essential Oils: New Age Fad Or Age-Old Remedy?

Aromatherapy refers to the use of essential oils that have been extracted from plants, shrubs and trees. These essential oils can be used for a wide variety of purposes. They can be used to treat medical conditions or alleviate psychological…

Anne’s Paleo Books in Dutch and Portuguese

If you want to learn what’s causing your autoimmune condition to flare, how to rapidly decrease inflammation, balance your immune system, feel stronger, have better digestion, clear skin, increased mental clarity and a stronger body, check out my e-books for…

Emotional Intelligence – What’s your EQ?

Have you heard of Emotional Intelligence and/or Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques? Emotional Intelligence or EQ is a concept that Daniel Goleman popularized in the late 1990’s. Emotional intelligence, like mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) meditation, helps you to see yourself…

If The Buddha Had an Autoimmune Disease

Buddha to The Rescue Whether or not you have an autoimmune disease, we all suffer from things that happen to us. Generally, we suffer mentally and emotionally when we’ve unconsciously bought into some programming (meme/belief system) from social media, the news, family,…