Enhanced Relaxation

Enhanced Relaxation

Experience the effects of nature sounds, flute, sea creatures, quartz crystal singing bowls on heart/brain/immune coherence. The natural and binaural frequencies ease you into a meditative state as the relaxation response kicks in. Some of these tracks include delta wave binaural beats for deep healing. Please listen to the music samples and consider investing in The Relax Pack below.


You’re spending too much time on the Internet and it’s time to unplug for a 20 minute power nap. Relax deeply with the sounds of nature, quartz crystal singing bowls and bamboo flute as you rest in complete stillness. Contains affirmations for relaxation.


The Secret Language of The Immune System

Experience the effects of nature sounds along with Crystal singing bowls on heart/brain/immune coherence. The natural and binaural frequencies ease you into a meditative state conducive to relaxation. Kick back, grab the headphones and settle in for a deep, restorative Delta wave session with subliminal affirmations for a balanced immune system.



Need a recharge? Settle into a deep and restorative 10 minute soundscape that includes the dreamy rain, caves and underwater creatures.

