Ayurvedic pracitioners and Yogis have long postulated that our bodies contain seven major power centers aka chakras located along the spine between the sacrum and the crown of the head. When Dr. Candace Pert’s work revealed the science behind the chakra system, we could understand them as nodal points of electrical and chemical activity that receive and distribute information to and from the rest of the body and brain. If any of these nodal points gets disturbed, energy blockages in one or more physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies may result. Illness is therefore a learning device to understand what centers are blocked and need movement.

We now know that one of the most powerful ways to interact with the chakras is through sound and music. Expanding your knowledge of the power centers that control the health of your body, will help you to detect energy disturbances with the goal of being able to correct them before they become fixed in the physical body. Listen to more music samples on this page.

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Using The Placebo Effect to Your Advantage

Five-element acupuncture has its roots in pre-Communist Chinese medicine. This tradition was born out of a cultural viewpoint that embraced the powerful reality of the invisible world and the effect…