Most people now know about Functional Medicine testing to investigate root causes of disease expression. Once you become aware of the broad training and testing available in the Functional Medicine field, you’ll soon recognize that most practitioners are over-testing and generally unfamiliar with specific tests and foods for autoimmune and “mystery” illness patients. Be the doctor you seek! If you’d like to figure out the most essential Functional Medicine tests to use in your own case, you may be interested in checking out the DIY program that I developed called Test Clear Heal, where you will learn about the most important foods, supplements, and tests to quickly turn your health around.

Test Clear Heal is intended to empower patients and practitioners who are still looking to connect the dots of their health. Once you sign up, you will have immediate access to weekly video classes and PDFs that will guide you in ordering and interpreting the most critical Functional Medicine Tests.

After Class #1, you’ll be ready to order your own tests even before scheduling an appointment with a Functional Medicine practitioner. You will learn about key tests to detect the underlying causes of your immune dysfunction. Specifically, you will learn how to detect blood sugar, thyroid, immune and adrenal imbalances along with methylation clues from basic blood work, make sense of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism test results and what different SNP’s, besides MTHFR mean. You will also learn when and how to run Stool and SIBO Tests, SNP tests, Cyrex Tests, Hormone tests, Basic Blood Work and Organic Acid Tests, and the significance of Cyrex Labs autoantibody testing. Finally, since it is an integral part of healing chronic disease, this training reveals how to transition to the autoimmune protocol diet. Click here for more info about the program.

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The B27 Diet

This is a chart from The Autoimmune Paleo Breakthrough, which proposes the AIP as the cornerstone of treatment in the functional medicine model. Because the AIP has tremendous merit in terms…