In the past ten years, functional medicine practitioners have come a long way toward educating the public about the central importance of the gut microbiome for anyone suffering from autoimmune et al. complex neuroinflammatory processes. Going forward into the next decade, my prediction is that autoimmune (neuroimmune) disease treatment will include neuroplastic techniques for functional brain integration, the most important of which will be acupuncture.
The research shows that acupuncture is beneficial for disorders that involve neurotransmitter imbalances and neuroinflammation. Acupuncture’s effectiveness comes from its remarkable ability to regulate the nervous system to control the immune system. However, very few acupuncturists are versed in the language of neuroscience and acupuncture research. Because of this, I developed a scalp acupuncture treatment model for autoimmune et al. complex neuroimmune disorders. For more info about my new book, Functional Scalp Acupuncture, click here.